New LNP NRD's for Milwaukee MSA (HTML) (MSword) 4/24/98
Minutes from Wisconsin Implementation Conference Call 4/2/98 (HTML) (MSword)
Minutes from Wisconsin Implementation Conference Call 2/25/98 (HTML) (MSword)
Minneapolis "Picks" withdrawn (Wisconsin), PSC letter (HTML) (MSword) 11/7/97
Milwaukee MSA Time Line (HTML) (MS Project (Zipped)) 11/15/97
Minutes from Minneapolis and Milwaukee MSA meeting 10/28 (HTML) (MSword)
Minutes from Minneapolis and Milwaukee MSA meeting (HTML) 10/3/97
NPAC Presentation by John Shea (Powerpoint 4.0) (Powerpt Win/95)
Milwaukee MSA Time Line (Initial Draft) (HTML)
Minneapolis MSA (Wisconsin) Time line (HTML) (MsProj (zipped)
Wisconsin Public Services Commission Homepage