Hi Team,
Attached is the T1S1 meeting information for those of you that can attend. This morning I had conversations with Wayne Zeuch, Chairman of T1S1 to discuss the upcoming T1S1 meeting in Dallas and how he envisioned the Nation LNP Billing Forum would fit.
It appears that T1S1 will convene on Monday and develop recommendations throughout the week that will establish a new "Working Group" for LNP under T1S1 (probably T1S1.6, this will be the Work Group dedicated to LNP). They anticipate the NLBF will to become a "Sub-working Group" of the T1S1.6 to handle billing related issues.
He expects the new committee to begin work immediately on establishing the LNP Work Group, elect officers, outline the work that needs to be done, and actually begin working on requirements. The actual establishment of the Work Group will not take place until the end of the week but work can proceed as an Ad Hoc Work Group until the LNP Work Group is made official.
The new LNP Work Group will actually consist of all members of any Sub Working Group under it. It is for this reason he would like as many NLBF people there as possible to answering any question that arise in reference to billing and aid in the establishment of the Work Group.
Debi and I discussed scheduling a conference call on Nov 12th prior to the meeting to discuss how all of this is to layout and to get input from the group as to how to proceed. I plan to attend and have attached the neccessary information make your reservations. Due to the short notice I don’t expect all of you will be in attendance please consider going if at all possible.
DATE: November 17-21, 1997
Dallas Parkway Hilton
4801 LBJ Freeway (neighbor to the Galleria)
Dallas, TX 75244
Telephone: 972-661-3600
Guest Fax: 972-661-1060
CO-HOSTS: MCI, Fujitsu America, INET
RESERVATIONS: Fax the attached reservation sheet to the hotel at 972-385-3156
(sales fax) or call the hotel at 972-661-3600 for reservations. A block of rooms has been reserved at the rate of $104 plus tax (single/double occupancy). Please mention that you are attending the MCI/T1S1 Meeting. This will assist the co-hosts in defraying meeting costs. The block of rooms will be held until Monday, November 3. Attendees are encouraged to stay at this hotel.
HOTEL LOCATION: The Dallas Parkway Hilton is located at the northwest corner of I-635 and the Tollway, and within walking distance from the Galleria mall. The mall has eight restaurants, a movie theatre, shopping, and an ice skating rink. The hotel is about 15 minutes from downtown Dallas, DFW Airport, and is surrounded by 100+ restaurants.
LOCAL TRANSPORTATION: Discount Shuttle is the recommended airport shuttle from DFW Airport. Use the courtesy phone in the baggage claim area for service. Charges are approximately $13 each way. You may obtain a coupon from the hotel. Call Gretta Thurston (Sales Manager) for more information.
The hotel has a courtesy van service for transfers within a 5-mile radius. Make arrangements with the Bellstand in advance.
DIRECTIONS: Take the north exit from the DFW Airport to I-635 East. Travel east on I-635 and take exit 22D (Dallas Parkway). Stay on the right side as you exit and follow the Dallas Parkway sign. Turn left at the second light on Dallas Parkway (a one-way street). Stay in the left lane and turn left at the first light which is the service road for Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway. Stay in the right lane of the service road, and go past the first light (Inwood Road). Turn right into the Dallas Parkway Hilton, which is the third building on the right.
PARKING: Parking is complimentary for guests and attendees.
WORKING GROUP DOCUMENT NUMBERS: Working Group (WG) T1S1.3 document numbers
may be obtained from Dana Shillingburg, by fax to
301-989-7386 or 301-989-6505 (form provided in T1S1.3 meeting report) or by
e-mail to If you do not use the form, includethe title of the contribution, source organization, contact, standards project
number, SWG(s) to which it is directed, and your telephone and fax numbers. The
date is Tuesday, November 11, 12 noon PDT.
Document numbers for T1S1.1 and T1S1.5 are obtained by using TDOCS on the T1 Bulletin Board System (T1BBS). For additional information, contact Prakash Panjwani ( (847-435-0047) for T1S1.1; Greg Ratta ( (732-332-5174) for T1S1.5; or Dan Greene ( The cutoff date for obtaining T1S1.1 and T1S1.5 document numbers is Tuesday, November 11, 12 noon PDT.
COPIES OF DOCUMENTS: At the beginning of the WG Plenaries on Monday, contributors must provide an adequate number of copies of each document as follows:
For working documents for all WGs, contributors should provide two copies to the WG Chair and an adequate number of copies for the SWG where the contribution will be presented.
If a contributor does not wish to carry copies, copies may be shipped or expressed to the hotel to arrive no earlier than one week before the meeting starts to:
Attention: your name, T1S1.X - c/o Gretta Thurston
(The X refers to the specific working group for which the copies are intended). Or, a contributor may make arrangements to have copying done locally at his/her own expense. There is a Kinkos copy center within a short distance from the hotel.
Documents should be mailed to the hotel to arrive not later than Saturday, November 15 (Friday is preferred). Mark the appropriate spot on the express invoice if Saturday delivery is requested. It is the contributor’s responsibility to have copies made if your document does not get out of your organization on schedule. Do not ask the host to do this. Likewise, the contributor has the responsibility to trace boxes of documents.
Yatendra Pathak, MCI
972-918-5138, fax 972-918-6038,
yatendra.pathak@mci.comMarcie Geissinger, T1S1 Secretary
303-497-5216, fax 303-497-5993, e-mail
SCHEDULE: (in .pdf format)
Opening Working Group plenaries start as follows: T1S1.1 and T1S1.3 -8:00 am;
T1S1.5 - 8:30 am (T1S1 Plenary 8:30 am). All other times as announced at
Opening WG Plenaries
Friday, November 21, 1997 8:30 a.m.**
Co-hosted by MCI, Fujitsu America, INET
1.Call to Order (Including Results of Pre-meeting Sign-in)
2.Approval of Agenda (T1S1/97-319)
3.Approval of Minutes of August 8 Session (T1S1/97-318)
a. Patent Disclosure***
b. Individual Liaisons
c. Other announcements
a. T1AG Meeting, August 27, 1997, Raleigh, NC
b. ITU-T Study Group 11 Meeting, September 1-19, 1997, Geneva
c. ITU-T Study Group 13 Meeting, September 8-19, 1997, Geneva
d. T1/T1AG Meetings, October 22-24, 1997, Ellicott City, MD
e. T1S1 NII/GII Ad Hoc Group Meeting, November 17, 1997
f. Information Director
6.Working Group Activity Summaries and Actions on Working Group
Recommendations Regarding Documents Ready for Consideration by T1S1
7.Future Meetings
8.Other Business
** REGISTRATION WILL OCCUR PRIOR TO THE START OF THE MEETING (BEGINNING AT 8:00 A.M.) AT THE HEAD TABLE IN THE FRONT OF THE MEETING ROOM. If the voting or alternate voting member as designated by your organization will not attend and representation is wanted, a letter (signed by the T1S1 or T1 voting member), which indicates voting designation for this meeting, must be presented to the Secretary. (T1 Bylaws, Art. X, Sect. 2 and 3; T1 Proc. Manual,,,, and
*** Committee T1 has adopted the ANSI Patent Policy. Early disclosure of patents which may be essential for the use of standards under development is encouraged. Disclosures made of such patents may not be exhaustive of all patents that may be essential for the use of standards under development. Neither Committee T1, Technical Subcommittee T1S1, nor the T1S1 Chair ensures the accuracy or completeness of any disclosure or whether any disclosure is of a patent that in fact may be essential for the use of standards under development. The minutes will record that this announcement was made, that an opportunity was provided for T1S1 members to respond on the existence of any patent that the member believes may be essential for the use of any standard, and that there were (or were not) responses (and the content of the responses).