On Thursday May 1, 1997 the weekly Single Point Of Contact Conference Call
was held via conference bridge, 1-800-593-XXXX, at 9:00 AM CST. 

The next meeting will be Thursday 5/8 between the hours of 9 & 11
AM CDT via conference number 1-800-593-XXXX.  For those
who will be dialing using Vnet, 475-XXXX the same passcode. 

It is critical to have at least one representative from each participating 
company actively participating on each call.

Those who took part in today's call were as follows:

Name                     Company             
*Dick Dowd                LLC/ICC Work Shop
*Bill Belshaw             FCC Test Plan
*Eilenne O'Shea           AT&T               
*Joe Questore             Bellcore           
*Hamp Oberle              MCI
*Bob Bartenstien          Ameritech          
*Rajeev Trika             TCG                
No representation from    SPRINT
No repreentation          WorldCom

Conference Calls:
If at least 4 of the participating company's are represented on the call, the
Team will abide by the consensus of those present.  If at least 4 company's 
are not represented, no business will be transacted.

A general discussion took place at the beginning of the meeting regarding
whether a specific group of test cases needs to be identified as the 
minimum set of test cases required to have a successful FCC Field Test.

The general consensus was that there should be a group of test cases identified
that would be the minimum set of test cases needed to be passed to have
a successful FCC Field Test.

What constitutes a successful FCC Field Test?  The SPOC Team read the
FCC mandate and determined that the requirement's listed by the FCC were
very vague.  Many of the items listed are hard to quantify.

Who is to determine what constitutes a successful FCC Field Test?  If not
the SPOC Team then probably the Test Committee.  This issue will be asked
of the Test Committee Chair person Walt Subora.

Do a certain number of test scripts or a certain percentage of scripts tested
have to be successfully completed in order to have a successful FCC Field Test?
If the answer is yes, who determines how many and what percentage is good?
Again this question will be passed along to the Test Committee Chair person.

The consensus was that some of these items can be determined between now
and the time that the FCC Field Test Report is generated and that the
SPOC Team should concentrate on getting ready for 7/24.
Single Point Of Contact Meeting Issues & Actions
At least 4 of the participating company's were represented so the Issues
and Status's were reviewed.
ISSUE:    * The FCC Field Test Coordination Manager has requested that each
            SPOC provide one person in the Chicago area 5 days for
            the duration of the FCC Field Test.  This person will need
            to attend a daily kickoff meeting in person and be within
            15 minutes of the NPAC to respond to emergency meetings.
     STATUS: CLOSED. All Trial Participants will have representatives present
             in the Chicago area to support the Chicago Illinois FCC Field
             Test, or on call within 15 minutes of notification for a 
             meeting, at least for the first 2 weeks of testing, with the
             exception of Ameritech.  Bob will be in the Chicago area for
             the first two week's, however, he may or may not be within
             15 minutes of a face-to-face meeting in down town Chicago.
ISSUE: Each participating company needs to determine which specific
       tests listed in the FCC Field Test Plan available at www.ported.com,
       that they will be able to take part in.

     ACTION: Each SPOC is to begin to review the FCC Field Test Plan
             with their Task Force to determine which specific 
             test script's will be able to be performed by their company's 
             network topography within the Chicago MSA.  (NOTE) Once this 
             input is obtained a matrix of test cases will be built that will
             indicate each test case and which company's will be performing 
             which test cases.  This will help to ensure that a through Field 
             Test is performed and also help to identify areas where some of 
             the participating company's can perform certain test's while others
             perform other test's.


     STATUS: Assigned 3/20.

               Ameritech as much as possible.
               SPRINT - No representation from SPRINT Larry Lovett
               recovering from illness.
               TCG still working
               AT&T Mitch Fuchs states that Ameritech will support CLASS 
               testing from individual participants, but will block the
               query if they, Ameritech, are the tandem point.
Note Each participating company will need to contact Ameritech and make
     arrangement's with Ameritech, if they wish to test CLASS features
     between them and other participant's other than Ameritech.

Question? USWest was to provide a cut of the ISDN test scripts to narrow
          the set down to about 30 from 160, what is the status of their

Answer!   USWest has not provided the cut down version to Bill Belshaw at
          this time.

ISSUE: USWest has not delivered the cut down version of the ISDN Test

     ACTION: Dick Dowd will contact Walt Subora, Testing Committee Chair
             person and ask that this cut be provided as soon as possible.

    RESPONSIBLE: Dick Dowd

     STATUS: Assigned 5/01

ISSUE: AMERITECH feels that a non-disclosure agreement needs to be in place 
       for the FCC Field Test.  

     ACTION: Ameritech, Bob Bartenstien, will obtain a copy and circulate 
             it at the next face-to-face in Chicago.

    RESPONSIBLE: Bob Bartenstien

     STATUS: Assigned 4/24

ISSUE: AMERITECH feels that a release statement be signed that would
       allow Ameritech to share inter-connection arrangement's between
       FCC Field Test participant's.

     ACTION: Prior to the face-to-face each SPOC is requested to put
             something in writing to be signed by the SPOC saying that 
             it is ok for Ameritech to share how FCC Field Test 
             participant's are connected with them for the purpose of 
             the FCC Field Test.


     STATUS: Assigned 5/1
ISSUE:    * In preparation for the FCC Field Test, certain network items
            need to be gathered and distributed to the participating company's.

     ACTION: Each SPOC to determine whether their company plans to test
             CLASS between company's other than Ameritech.


     STATUS: Assigned 4/24

             All participant's wish to test CLASS between company's and
             with Ameritech.

NOTE*  Does your company intend to pass CLASS between company's.  If the
       answer is Yes, then each participant needs to contact their 
       Ameritech account rep to make the proper arrangements for the 
       FCC Field Test.

ISSUE: Several items need to be provided by each participating company
       to be able to determine the topography for the FCC Field Test.

     ACTION: Rather than have each participant send in a list in a different
             format, Joe Questore, Bellcore, is requested to send Dick
             Dowd some templet's currently available today.

    RESPONSIBLE: Joe Questore

     STATUS: CLOSED.  Disk sent and received.

     ACTION: Dick Dowd is to fax copies of the proposed templet's to
             the members of the SPOC Team.

    RESPONSIBLE: Dick Dowd

     STATUS: CLOSED.  Dick faxed copies on 5/01.

     ACTION: Each company is to determine fill in the requested data
             and resubmit it to Dick Dowd prior to the Face-To-Face
             meeting in Chicago.


     STATUS: Assigned 5/1
ISSUE:    * Each Service Provider needs to define their network so
            that an overall FCC Field Test Topography can be determined.  
     ACTION: Identify each participant's network's and trunking and
             provide to Dick Dowd via Email ASAP.  So that this information
             can be combined and the FCC Field Test Topography can
             be reviewed at the next face-to-face.


     STATUS: 5/1     

               AT&T - Mitch Fuchs Emailed a copy of the AT&T network
               to be used for the FCC Field Test on 4/15.

     ACTION: Dick Dowd to fax copies to all SPOC Team members as an
             example of what is requested.

    RESPONSIBLE: Dick Dowd

     STATUS: CLOSED.  Faxed 5/1

ISSUE:    * It was suggested that the SPOC Team assemble a Checklist of
            all items that need to be addressed by each participating 
            company prior to the kick off of FCC Field Testing on July 24,

     ACTION: Dick Dowd will rework the tasks and suggest dependencies.
             Once this is formulated Dick will distribute the Project 
             Plan to the SPOC Team for review and finalization. 

    RESPONSIBLE S: Dick Dowd.

     STATUS: Assigned 4/17.
             Dick Dowd distributed this project plan.  Some were unable
             to read it and others requested a fax copy.

     ACTION: Dick Dowd to fax a copy to each member of the SPOC Team.

    RESPONSIBLE: Dick Dowd

     STATUS: CLOSED.  Faxed 5/1.

ISSUE: How will participants be able to transport TCAP messages across
       the network for the FCC Field Test?

     ACTION: Each SPOC to determine whether they will be wanting to
             test TCAP messaging during the Field Test.


     STATUS: Assigned 4/17

          ALL wish to take part.

Note Each FCC Field Test Participant will need to contact Ameritech and
     make arrangement's to do this.


ISSUES:   * Test Script Prioritization, Overall Test Time Line & Porting
            partners are all valid issues that will need to be addressed
            but they are dependant upon Action's above.

Future Face-to-Face meeting schedule:

May 15 Ameritech Training Center Chicago

June 12 same

July 10 same

Dick Dowd
FCC Field Test Coordination Manager
972-918-1499 fax
972-498-5022 alternate fax
Vnet 757-5069
Pager 1-800-PAGEMCI Pin# 1742797
Email Richard Dowd / MCI ID: 258-4443
Internet 2584443@mci.com