Up to date pooling information can be found at NUMBERPOOL.COM
Illinois July 13th, 99 Pooling Sub Committee Minutes (HTML) (MSword)
Illinois and National Public NPAC/SMS Pooling documents can be found Here (Updated almost weekly)
Draft Thousands Block Number Pool Administrator Requirements can be found Here (1/13/99)
Final Draft Thousand Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines (uploaded 12/14/98)
Final Illinois Order: 847 Area Code: Docket 98-0497, can be found Here 7/1/99
2nd Illinois Pooling Report 11/25/98 This way
Proposed Illinois Pooling order: Docket 98-0497 can be found Here 11/13/98
Link to NRO (Number Resources Optimization Task Force) documents.
October 16, 1998 Ilinois Operations meeting (HTML) (MSword)
Link to FCC Pennslyvania Order (CC Docket 96-08)
Illinois July 21st Operations meeting minutes (HTML) (MSword)
Illinois July 15th Pooling Sub Committee Minutes (HTML) (MSword)
Illinois Pooling Process Flows (Powerpoint 4.0)
Illinois Request for ICC report 7/15/98 (HTML) (MSword)
847 Trial Schedule and Work Plan (on numberpool.com)
New York Phase 1Number Pooling Thousands Block (NXX-X) Assignment Guidelines HTML (MSword) (Updated 6/24/98)
New York Steering Committee meeting minutes 6/29/98 (HTML) (MSword)
New York "Pooling" meeting minutes 6/24/98 (HTML) (MSword)
New York "Pooling" meeting minutes 5/26/98 (HTML) (MSword)
ILLINOIS NPAC Pooling Subcommittee Minutes 6/3/98 (HTML) (MSword)
Illinois Final Proposed Order: Number Pooling/Area Codes (4/24/98) Click Here
All Illinois "Number Pooling Trial Guidelines and Forms" can be found Here (Updated 5/20/98)
ICC letter (HTML) (MSword) (May 11, 1998)
May 7th Illinois Operations minutes HTML MSword
New York Phase 1Number Pooling Thousands Block (NXX-X) Assignment Guidelines HTML (MSword) (Updated 5/29/98)
New York Phase 1Number Pooling Thousands Block (NXX-X) Assignment Guidelines HTML (MSword) Updated 5/1/98 Please note this is a large document and the HTML version will take quite some time to load (even at 56K).
New York Issues Interim Pooling Administrator RFP And Response to Q&A 4/3/98
New York "Pooling" meeting minutes 4/15/98 (HTML) (MSword)
New York Interim Pooling Administrator RFP
New York/Illinois Interim Number Pooling Thousands Block (NXX-X) Assignment Guidelines HTML (MSword) Updated 2/27/98 Please note this is a large document and the HTML version will take quite some time to load (even at 56K).
Pooling Guidelines Team meeting minutes 2/27/98 (HTML) (MSword)
Illinois Number Pooling Test Plan meeting minutes 2/26/98 (HTML) (MSword)
Notice of Feb Midwest SCP Requirements conference call (HTML)
SCP Pooling Document for use in Feb Midwest SCP requirements team conference call (MSword)
New York/Illinois Interim Number Pooling Thousands Block (NXX-X) Assignment Guidelines HTML (MSword) Updated 2/10/98 Please note this is a large document and the HTML version will take quite some time to load (even at 56K).
Pooling Guidelines Team meeting minutes 2/9-10/98 (HTML) (MSword
Issues List (updated 2/10/98) (HTML) (MSword)
Action Item List (updated 2/10/98) (HTML) (MSword)
Revised Part 1 Forms (updated 2/10/98) (HTML) (MSword)
Pooling Guidelines Team meeting minutes 2/6/98 (HTML) (MSword
Pooling Guidelines Team meeting minutes 1/30/98 (HTML) (MSword)
Pooling Guidelines Team meeting minutes 1/21/98 (MSword)
INC Reports to NANC on Number pooling ((atis.org) incnanc.htm)
New York Interim Number Pooling Thousands Block (NXX-X) Assignment Guidelines (HTML) (MSword)
"Illinois Workshop Documents"
Illinois Number Pooling RFP and Q&A Updated 12/11/97
# Pooling NPAC proposed Process Flows updated 2/12/98 (PPT Zipped)
# Pooling NPAC proposed Process Flows updated at 12/17/97 Operations Meeting (HTML) (PPT/Zipped)
# Pooling NPAC proposed Process Flows updated 12/7/97 (HTML) (PPT/Zipped)
# Pooling NPAC proposed Process Flows updated at 11/20 ICC NPAC meeting (HTML) (PPT/Zipped)
# Pooling NPAC proposed Process Flows updated at the Nov 18th ICC Operations meeting (PPT/Zipped) (HTML)
# Pooling NPAC proposed Process Flows to be discussed at the Nov 18th ICC Operations meeting (PPT/Zipped) (HTML)
Oct 23rd ICC Steering Committee Minutes (includes #pool issues) (HTML) (MSword)
Letter from ICC # Pooling Sub-committee to Common Carrier Bureau (HTML) (MSword) 10/8/97
Illinois Number Portability Workshop "Report on Number Pooling" (HTML) (MSword.doc) (MSword.rtf)
Minutes from the 8/26/97 SCP meeting (HTML)
Steering Committee minutes (Number Conservation and LNP) 8/21/97 (HTML) (MSword)
Minutes from the 8/19-20/97 ICC Operations meeting (HTML) (MSword)
Illinois Number Pooling "Draft" report 8/15/97 (MSword) (HTML)
TCG Pooling Implementation approach 8/15/97 (HTML)
Sprint Number Pooling Proposal 8/13/97(HTML)
TCG position regarding 847 NPA number pooling trial 8/8/97 (HTML)
Re: SCP Team Memo (number Pooling) 8/8/97 (HTML)
SCP Team Memo (number Pooling) 8/8/97 (HTML)
SCP Team Memo (number Pooling) 7/25/97 (HTML)
July Operations minutes HTML
NPAC Team memo on # Pooling 7/27/97 (HTML)
R&B meeting minutes from 7/25/97 meeting (HTML)
Number Pooling memo & power point file 7/24 (HTML) (PPT)
Steering Committee minutes 7/24/97 (HTML)
R&B meeting minutes from 7/15/97 meeting (HTML)
Siemens Memo concerning # Pooling 7/7/97 (HTML)
Steering Committee minutes 6/19/97 (HTML)
Minutes from the 6/10/97 Operations meeting (HTML)
Steering Committee minutes (Number Conservation and LNP) 5/22/97 (MSword) str5_22.rtf & HTML
Code Conservation AT&T presentation HTML & Powerpoint nxxx.ppt
Other # Pooling Documents and Locations
INC Draft Number Pooling Documents courtesy of ATIS
INC reports to the NANC 8/19/97 courtesy of ATIS
INC working documents concerning # pooling, courtesy of ATIS
National Billing Forum (most documents discuss pooling)