Received from Scott Potter
(Staff Ohio PUC) 3/25/97 BB
March 24, 1997
Attention Ohio Telecommunications Service Providers:
· The Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio is reconvening
the Ohio LNP Workshop, which was postponed in January pending the
release of the FCC order on reconsideration in 95-116. The FCC has
released its order, and the plan our region adopted was approved.
Switches will be converted on a request basis as planned.
· Due to the amount of time that has elapsed, the numerous new NEC
certifications, and an error in the original list of switches, the
Staff is reissuing the Master Pick List. NECs that wish to have
switches initially converted to LRN LNP should return a completed
Master Pick List by April 25, 1997.
· Staff will collect and aggregate the switch requests according to
the agreements reached during the Ohio workshops. This aggregated
list will then be turned over to the ILECs at the next workshop
meeting. This workshop meeting has been scheduled for May 5, 1997,
10:30AM, in Hearing Room 11 C of the Commission Offices.
· There will be a conference call to answer questions on April 1,
1997 at 10:00 AM ET on 216-787-0997. If you need further
information call 614-752-9072.
OHIO MSAs in the TOP 100 MSAs in the USA
MSA Counties in MSA
Akron Portage and Summit
Cincinnati Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren
Cleveland Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, and Medina
Columbus Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Licking,
Madison, Pickaway, and Union
Dayton Clark, Greene, Miami, and Montgomery
Toledo Fulton, Lucas, and Wood
Youngstown Mahohing and Trumbull