NOTE: Beginning on Tuesday, May 19th at 10AM (CST) a weekly conference call will be held to review the Indianapolis MSA intercompany service provider testing and address any issues concerning the testing. The conference bridge number for all the scheduled calls is 618-457-3338. Conference calls will be held on the following dates at 10:00 AM : May 19, May 26, June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23, June 30. The test SPOC for each service provider involved in the testing should attend the calls. In addition, the LSR contact for each company should plan to attend the May 19th call.
Purpose of the meeting was to finalize plans for interservice provider testing in the Indianapolis MSA.
* Service providers represented at the meeting included: GTE, Time Warner, WorldCom, ATT, McLeod USA, Ameritech, Smithville, and Cellular One.
* Handouts provided at the meeting consisted of a test schedule, service provider contact names and pertinent test information, Indianapolis MSA topology map, testing timeline, and a test script file. If anyone is interested in a copy of this information, please contact Tina Zammuto 309-663-3646 or Ralph McCray 303-566-1323.
* Testing partners for the Indianapolis MSA intercompany service provider testing will consist of: Time Warner - Ameritech
McLeod - Ameritech
WorldCom - Ameritech
GTE - Ameritech
* Ameritech does not plan to test porting in since it was tested successfully in the Chicago Field Trial.
* Ameritech has reserved the following port out test numbers for its testing partners:
Time Warner : 317-917-7802
WorldCom : 317-917-7803 & 317-917-7807
GTE : 317-917-7804 & 317-917-7805
McLeod : 317-917-7809 & 317-917-7810
* Service providers involved in the testing should have all test numbers terminate with answer supervision.
* The scehedule for interservice provider testing is as follows:
- Issue LSRs May 18
- FOCs Complete May 22
- Begin intercompany testing May 26
- Issue disconnect orders June 15
- Disconnect to original SP June 18
- Testing completed June 26
* Weekly intercompany test conference calls will commence on May 19th and will be held every Tuesday thru June 30th. The purpose of the call will be to review and address testing issues.
Minutes outlining the status of the calls will be distributed.
* The re was discussion on when service providers would begin querying the LNP database. Ameritech, WorldCom, Time Warner, and McLeod all indicated they would not begin queries until the first number in a portable NXX is ported. GTE plans to start querying when an NXX is open for porting.
* The group also discussed processes for opening NPA-NXXs for portability. Ameritech stated they plan to open NPA-NXXs by request. Time Warner, GTE, and ATT indicated that they plan to open all NPA-NXXs in a switch as it becomes LNP capable . Time Warner opposes Ameritech’s code opening process . They feel that the MSA switch selection process was sufficient and that Ameritech’s code opening process is a redundant effort.
* Ameritech has opened an e-mail address to facilitate the opening of NXXs for porting. The e-mail address is :
Follow the Code opening process flow when requesting NXXs to be opened and forward your forcast to this email account. The account will be checked daily for requests and will respond immediately with receipt. Please insure the requests clearly identify the NPA/NXX to be made portable, as well as the desired date.
* There was discussion on whether the Ameritech test numbers for porting out require an associated E911 address for testing E911. This process is being researched by Ralph McCary (Time Warner).
* The group agreed that there will not likely be any more face to face meetings concerning the Indianapolis MSA. The weekly conference calls should be sufficient to complete LNP implementation in the Indianapolis MSA. Face to face meetings will convene in the future for implementation of phase 4 and phase 5 sites.
* Ralph and Tina asked for volunteers to co-chair the Indiana LNP Task Force Committee. Ralph indicated that Time Warner does not, at this time, have any further LNP involvement in the remaining Indiana MSAs (phases 4 &5). His efforts will be focused elsewhere in the country. Tina announced that she will be on maternity leave in the fall and will need someone to replace to her.