Indiana Local Number Portability Task Force

Minutes of March 9, 1999 Meeting


The LNP Task Force met on March 9, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. EST in Room TC10 of the Indiana Government Center South, Indianapolis, Indiana, as provided by a February 15, 1999 docket entry in Cause No. 41083. Charlotte TerKeurst, a consultant to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, facilitated the meeting and indicated that she plans to file a report with the Commission after the Task Force has addressed the pending issues.

I. Attendees--See attached.

II. Co-chairs

The task force chose Matt Locke (Time Warner) and Denise Hardaway (Ameritech) as co-chairs, since the prior co-chairs are no longer participants in the task force.


III. Issues from Time Warner Complaint

The Commission moved 6 issues from the Time Warner complaint (Cause No. 41306) into this docket. Time Warner and Ameritech reported that Time Warner no longer is pursuing the issues, as the result of multi-state negotiations between Time Warner and Ameritech.

Ameritech reported that it plans to implement the 10-digit trigger requested by Time Warner by mid-2000. Time Warner already employs this approach. Participants agreed that, in order for 10-digit triggers to work effectively, all carriers would need to deploy the functionality.


IV. Issues from Smithville Petition for Mediation

In its petition (Cause No. 41234), Smithville asked that Ameritech be required to notify Smithville when porting commences in an NXX. The Commission moved that issue into this docket. Ameritech reported that it dips all calls to an NXX once that NXX has been opened for porting. Ameritech does not separate out first-port information from the electronic information it receives from Lockheed Martin, and thinks that it may be costly to do so. Matt Locke suggested that Time Warner may be willing to provide this information to Smithville, since it captures the first-port information and begins dipping only after porting has begun in an NXX.


V. Billing Issues

The Task Force discussed a variety of billing issues, some of which arise due to LNP and some of which arise due to facilities-based local competition. There was agreement that it would be useful for the Task Force to identify the range of billing issues, even if non-LNP ones are only referred to the Commission for possible consideration in another forum.

Dwane Glancy noted that, if SS7 is used, the JIP (Jurisdiction Indication Parameter) indicates the originator of a call, and that its use could eliminate the need for ITAC. There was uncertainty about whether this information would be transmitted with default-routed number-ported calls.

Billing issues may exist with the following types of calls (see attached copy of drawing that was made during the Task Force meeting):

    1. Default-routed number-ported EAS calls terminated to non-incumbent LECs (e.g., an Ameritech number ported to Time Warner);
    2. Default-routed number-ported EAS calls terminated to incumbent LECs (e.g., a Time Warner number ported to Ameritech);
    3. Default-routed number-ported intraLATA calls—terminated by an incumbent or a non-incumbent LEC;
    4. IntraLATA calls transmitted by competitive IXCs;
    5. IntraLATA calls originated by or terminated to non-incumbent LECs.

There was discussion about whether the routing of a call (direct trunking or tandem routing) would affect the billing issues, but no effect was identified.

It was acknowledged that AT&T and Time Warner do not have EAS agreements with Smithville or with any

other small LECs that have EAS agreements with Ameritech and GTE.


VI. Next Meeting

It was agreed that the Task Force will meet on March 31 at 10:00 a.m. [NOTE: After the meeting, it was determined that Room TC10 is not available that day. The March 31 meeting will be in the Commission’s Law Library.]

Attachment 1


Indiana LNP Task Force

March 9, 1999 meeting




Phone Fax e-mail

Charlotte TerKeurst Competitive Strategies Group 312 236-0406 312 236-0381

Matt Locke (by phone) Time Warner 303 566-5923 303 566-1600

Bob Veneck AT&T 317 633-5985 317 633-5972 BVENECK@ATT.COM

Alan Matsumoto Sprint 317 636-6026 317 636-4017

Bruce Hazelett Ameritech 317 265-2184 317 265-8585

Denise Hardaway Ameritech 248 424-0276 248 424-1073

Ben Jayne Ameritech 312 335-6710 312 335-2925

Tammy Teague Smithville Telephone 812 876-0969 812 876-9267

Dwane Glancy Smithville 812 876-2477 812 876-9267

Hal Rees OUCC 317 232-2237 317 232-5923 HREES@UCCLAN.IN.US

Timothy Seat OUCC