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T1S1.6 (Info & meeting Schedule)


To develop and program manage National Number Portability requirements for wireline, wireless and operator services and to develop number portability positions to ITU-T and other international standards making organizations.


The Number Portability (NP) requirements will not exceed those specified in the FCC mandate (CC Docket 95-116) on NP. The scope of the National NP requirements is limited to service provider portability. Network elements to support service provider portability for which requirements will be written will include switching systems (wireline, operator services, and wireless) and NP database platforms, as well as requirements for billing, network signaling, and the NP application software (Location Routing Number [LRN] and Global Title Translation [GTT] Function).


1998 Meeting Schedule

January 6-8, 1998 (Tu-Th) Dallas, TX

February 17-19, 1998 (Tu -Th, 16th is President Day) Boca Raton, FL

March 23-26, 1998 (M -Th, Full T1S1 meeting) Raleigh, NC

April 28-30, 1998 (Tu -Th) San Antonio, TX

May 27-29, 1998 (Wed-Fr, 25th is Memorial Day) Chicago, IL

June 15-19,1998 (M-Th, Full T1S1 meeting) Somerset, NJ

July 21-23, 1998 (Tu -Th) To be determined

Aug 31-Sept 3,1998 (M-Th, Full T1S1 meeting) To be determined

October 6-8, 1998 (Tu -Th) San Francisco, CA

November 3-5,1998 (Tu -Th) To be determined

December 7-10, 1998 (M-Th, Full T1S1 meeting) To be determined

If you need further information on national NP requirements development in T1S1.6 please contact me.
