Ohio LNP Workshop Conference Call
Meeting Minutes 4/9/98
Following are the meeting minutes of the Thursday April 9, 1998 Ohio LNP Workshop conference call. The call began at 10:00 AM eastern daylight time and covered the CNCN, CLEV and CLMB MSA field trials. Those in attendance were Elsa Morris and Scott Potter for the PUCO staff, Judy Early and Hamp Oberle for MCI, Bentley Jackson for CBT, Larry Lump for Chillicothe, Robin Meier for Ameritech, Susan Smith for ICG, Ralph McCray for Time Warner and Ron Whitson and Andy Chalk for Sprint.
1. CNCN MSA: All six of the ported test numbers are now working in this MSA. Testing continues by all service providers in the area. The problems with Sprint Long Distance completing to these ported numbers was resolved. CBT reported a minor problem of having their ported (in) number loaded in the LIDB for collect and bill to third number validation. They are pursuing this and a problem with the 911 data base. MCI has completed testing except for 911 which is being coordinated with CBT.
2. CLEV MSA: As reported last week, both of the test numbers have been ported by Nextlink from Ameritech and are available for testing. ICG reported that they will not be porting numbers in this field trial. They will work with Ameritech at a later date for individual testing. The number that ICG would have ported from Ameritech is now available for Nextlink in the event they want to port it.
3. CLMB MSA: Nextlink has already requested three numbers from Ameritech. Robin is waiting on Time Warner to make a selection as to the site they want to test so that a single order can be made for the test numbers. Time Warner reported that they would contact Robin with this information early next week. The trial start date is still scheduled for April 27, 1998.
4. PUCO STAFF REQUEST: Scott Potter requests that all ILECs submit their LNP commercial availability schedule to him as soon as possible. Scott has the CBT and Sprint schedules; Robin reported that she has sent Ameritech's to Andy today. He will forward this to Scott.
5. LNP THROUGH A TANDEM: Larry Lump for Chillicothe had concerns about routing traffic from their end offices to new service providers that do not have direct trunks to Chillicothe. Andy reported that in most cases this traffic would normally be routed to the access tandem on the intraLATA toll trunks. Andy reported that Sprint has successfully tested this scenario from the Lawrenceburg, IN switch through the CBT tandem to get to a ported MCI or Time Warner number in Cincinnati. Bentley and Andy invited Larry to contact them directly if there were further questions concerning this.
6. NEXT CONFERENCE CALL: The next conference call will be Thursday April 16 at 10:00am eastern daylight time. All three MSA field trials will be discussed on this one conference call. The bridge number is 419-755-7600.