Ohio LNP Workshop Conference Calls
Meeting Minutes 4/2/98
Following are the meeting minutes of the Thursday April 2, 1998 Ohio LNP
Workshop conference calls. There were three separate calls, one for the
CNCN MSA field trial which started at 10:00 AM eastern time, an 11:00 AM
call for the CLEV MSA, and a 1:00 PM call for the Columbus and Toledo MSAs.
The service providers represented on these calls included Robin Meier and
Kent Roberts for Ameritech, OC Jackson for AT&T, Elsa Morris for the PUCO
staff, Hamp Oberle for MCI, Steve Brown for Nextlink, Kay Fallon for Alltel,
Susan Smith for ICG, Tom Tritsch for Brooks-Worldcom, David Deitrich for
GTE and Andy Chalk for Sprint.
1. CNCN MSA LNP TRIAL: Four of the six service provider to service
provider ported test numbers are now working in the network: 513-719-1808
from MCI to CBT, 513-618-0001 from Time Warner to CBT, 513-701-0001 from
Time Warner to Sprint, and 513-989-2004 from CBT to MCI. All area ILECs,
CLECs, Wireless and IXC providers are encouraged to place test calls to
these ported numbers to ensure call completion. These test numbers will
remain operational through May 1, 1998. If your test calls do not complete,
the problem may be in the originating switch or the tandem. Sprint has
encountered routing problems from Lawrenceburg, IN when the call had to go
through the CNCNOHWS14T tandem. This problem was fixed earlier this week,
but the problem may affect other providers going through the same tandem.
OC Jackson reported that AT&T has problems completing to these test numbers
and Andy reported that Sprint Long Distance also has problems completing to
these test numbers. Both of these IXCs are analyzing these incidents and
are working on resolution. It appears that MCI long Distance is completing
to these ported test numbers. The two numbers yet to be ported are the
513-989-2000 CBT number to Time Warner and the 513-398-7246 Sprint number
to Time Warner. Time Warner was not represented on the call but has
previously indicated that these numbers would be ready for testing by April
2. TESTING TO MCI TEST NUMBER: MCI reported that test calls to their
ported number (513-989-2004), does not have a voice mail message attached.
Calls to this number may not be answered unless prior arrangements are made
with MCI to coordinate testing. Testers should call Hamp Oberle at
703-918-0445 for coordination.
3. NON DIPPED CALLS: There is concern as to whether the CNCNOHWS14T
tandem will perform the data base dips (N-1) for those providers who are
not performing their own data base queries (like the GTE and Little Miami
exchanges in this LATA). CBT was not represented on this call to respond.
It is ultimately the responsibility of the companies who use this tandem to
place test calls at their originating offices to determine whether there
are call completion problems. Via copy of these meeting minutes, perhaps
Elsa or Scott could forward these concerns to Little Miami and the wireless
service providers in the area. GTE is copied on these minutes.
4. CLEV MSA LNP TRIAL: Steve Brown of Nextlink reported that the two
numbers from Ameritech have been ported to Nextlink in the Cleveland rate
center and are ready for testing. These two numbers are 216-274-0207 and
0208. No problems have been identified as of this meeting concerning
completing to these test numbers, however, they have just recently been
activated. All area ILECs, CLECs, Wireless and IXC providers are
encouraged to place test calls to these ported numbers to ensure call
completion. These test numbers will remain operational through May 1, 1998.
If your test calls do not complete, the problem may be in the originating
switch or the tandem. Susan Smith for ICG reported that they have not yet
initiated LSRs to Ameritech to port number 216-274-0212. ICG will report at
next Thursday's conference call as to the status of this LSR and their
participation in this field trial. ICG anticipates participation in the
field trial and has asked Ameritech for a second number for them to port.
Kent Roberts will contact Robin to provide this second test number.
5. ALLTEL TEST NUMBERS: Kay Fallon for Alltel reported that the control
test numbers for the Alltel Madison and Chardon exchanges are incorrect.
Please note the new test numbers as listed in the attached and do not dial
the old test numbers.
6. LAST DATE TO PORT: The industry LNP field trial participants agreed
that close of business on April 13, 1998 would be the last date that a
service provider could issue a test LSR in the Cleveland MSA as a trial
participate. Service providers not submitting an LSR by that date will need
to contact the company they wish to port with and make the necessary
7. NXX CODE OPENING PROCESS: Robin reported that Ameritech has not
received any requests to open NXXs from any new service provider in the
state of OHIO. She reported that the process established by NANC is that
the code holder needs to be notified by the new service provider of their
intent to port numbers from an NXX code 45 days before porting begins. She
pointed out that all because an exchange was selected by a CLEC for porting,
the NXX codes have yet to be activated as ported in the LERG until a
request is received by the new service provider. New service providers will
need to initiate these notices to the appropriate code holders as soon as
possible to be able to begin porting in the CNCN and CLEV MSAs by the May
15 commercial availability date. New service providers have more time to
initiate these requests for the other MSAs in the state of Ohio, but this
important issue should be given a high priority.
8. CLMB MSA LNP TRIAL: Nextlink reported that they still intend to port
numbers from Ameritech in this field trial. Time Warner was not represented
on the call but they indicated in previous meetings that they also would be
porting from Ameritech. This is a LNP phase three MSA where commercial
availability is not required until June 30. The LNP trial is scheduled to
begin with LSR issuance on April 27, 1998 with May 28 as the trial
completion date. The current timeline remains acceptable to the
participants. Nextlink has indicated that they want three test numbers from
Ameritech in their downtown CLMBOH11 switch. Time Warner needs to inform
Ameritech of their desired test location and quantity of test numbers.
Conference calls for this MSA will now begin on a weekly basis with the
CNCN and CLEV MSA conference calls.
9. TOLD MSA LNP TRIAL: This LNP field trial is scheduled to begin
October 26, 1998 since this is a phase 5 MSA deployment. Tom Tritsch for
Brooks-Worldcom reported that they intend to port from Ameritech and Sprint
in this MSA. Both Ameritech and Sprint asked Tom to provide the identity of
the switches that they would like to test from so that test numbers could
be secured. Sprint also pointed out that Brooks-Worldcom would also need to
have an NPA-NXX for the Archbold or Moline rate centers if they would want
Sprint to send them a test LSR. No other service provider has shown
interest in porting numbers during this field trial. The current LNP test
timeline remains acceptable to the participants.
10. NEXT CONFERENCE CALL: The next conference call will cover all three
Ohio LNP field trials beginning at 10:00 AM eastern time on Thursday April
9. All participants are encouraged to attend at the beginning of this call
to catch any state wide or global issues that may come up. It is
anticipated that all three MSAs should be covered within a 1 hour
conference call. This is a change in format from having separate calls for
each MSA. The bridge number remains the same; 419-755-7600. The team also
scheduled Thursday April 16 for the same time and number. The next Toledo
MSA conference call will be on Thursday May 7 at 10:00 AM eastern time
(after the other three MSA updates).
Company |
Contact# |
Ameritech |
Robin Meier |
312-220-2603 |
robin.meier@ameritech.com |
Sprint |
Andy Chalk |
419-755-8767 |
andrew.chalk@mail.sprint.com |
Cincinnati Bell |
Bentley Jackson |
513-566-3104 |
bjackson@cinbell.com |
Cincinnati Bell |
Charlie Hake |
513-566-3105 |
AT&T |
O.C. Jackson |
312-230-2567 |
jackson@att.com |
Hamp Oberle |
703-918-0445 |
0005548404@mcimail.com |
Nextlink |
Steve Brown |
614-416-1105 |
sbrown@nextlink.net |
Time Warner |
Ralph McCray |
303-566-1323 |
ralph.mccray@twcable.com |
Alltel |
Kay Fallon |
330-650-7487 |
kay.fallon@alltel.com |
Rita Childs |
303-414-5982 |
rita_childs@icgcomm.com |
Mick Koutz |
517-463-0448 |
milo.koutz@telops.gte.com |
Brooks Worldcom |
Tom Tritsch |
314-909-5588 |
ttritsch@brooks.net |
ISPOC: Implementation Single Point of Contact |
Test SPOC |
Contact# |
Ameritech |
Robin Meier |
312-220-2603 |
robin.meier@ameritech.com |
Sprint |
Andy Chalk |
419-755-8767 |
andrew.chalk@mail.sprint.com |
Cincinnati Bell |
Bentley Jackson |
513-566-3104 |
bjackson@cinbell.com |
Cincinnati Bell |
Charlie Hake |
513-566-3105 |
AT&T |
O.C. Jackson |
312-230-2567 |
jackson@att.com |
Hamp Oberle |
703-918-0445 |
0005548404@mcimail.com |
Nextlink |
Steve Brown |
614-416-1105 |
sbrown@nextlink.net |
Time Warner |
Karen Kay |
303-705-1811 |
karen.kay@twcable.com |
Alltel |
Kay Fallon |
330-650-7487 |
kay.fallon@alltel.com |
Linda Whitetree |
303-414-8070 |
linda_whitetree@icgcomm.com |
Dave Dietrich |
740-383-0563 |
d.dietrich@gte.sprint.com |
Brooks Worldcom |
Tom Tritsch |
314-909-5588 |
ttritsch@brooks.net |
Test SPOC: Single Point of Contact for Testing |
Cincinnati LNP Service Provider Test Matrix and Schedule
Cincinnati SP to SP Test matrix:
Sprint |
Little Miami |
Alltel |
Ameritech |
AT&T |
x |
Nextlink |
Time Warner |
x |
x |
Brooks Fiber |
Test Schedule for CNCN MSA
January 15, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Test NPA/NXX’s for LERG
Present – Perform Internal (Intra-Company) Testing including NPAP/NPAC tests.
March 6, 1998 – Internal (Intra-Company) Testing Complete
March 16, 1998 – Issue test LSRs
March 17, 1998 – FOCs complete
March 20, 1998 – LSR Due Date
March 23, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing begins
April 10, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing Completed
April 14,1998 – Issue Oders to Disconnect Ported Numbers to Original SP
April 17, 1998 – Disconnect to Original SP Orders Due
April 17, 1998 – Testing Ends
? – First Office in MSA Commercial Availability
March 31, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Selected Switches NPA/NXX’s for LERG
May 15, 1998 – FCC Mandate for Commercial Availability in MSA
Only CBT and MCI will issue LSRs to port on March 16. Time Warner will be ready to issue LSRs with CBT and Sprint on March 23 and begin call through testing on April 6.
Cleveland LNP Service Provider Test Matrix and Schedule
Cleveland SP to SP Test matrix:
Sprint |
Little Miami |
Alltel |
Ameritech |
AT&T |
Nextlink |
x |
Time Warner |
Brooks Fiber |
x |
Test Schedule for CLEV MSA
January 31, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Test NPA/NXX’s for LERG
Present – Perform Internal (Intra-Company) Testing including NPAP/NPAC tests.
March 20, 1998 – Internal (Intra-Company) Testing Complete
March 23, 1998 – Issue test LSRs
March 24, 1998 – FOCs complete
March 27, 1998 – LSR Due Date
March 30, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing begins
April 17, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing Completed
April 20, 1998 – Issue Oders to Disconnect Ported Numbers to Original SP
April 23, 1998 – Disconnect to Original SP Orders Due
April 23, 1998 – Testing Ends
? – First Office in MSA Commercial Availability
March 31, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Selected Switches NPA/NXX’s for LERG
May 15, 1998 – FCC Mandate for Commercial Availability in MSA
Columbus LNP Service Provider Test Matrix and Schedule
Columbus SP to SP Test matrix:
Sprint |
Little Miami |
Alltel |
Ameritech |
AT&T |
Nextlink |
x |
Time Warner |
x |
Brooks Fiber |
Test Schedule for the Columbus MSA:
January 31, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Test NPA/NXX’s for LERG
Present – Perform Internal (Intra-Company) Testing including NPAP/NPAC tests.
April 24, 1998 – Internal (Intra-Company) Testing Complete
April 27, 1998 – Issue test LSRs
April 28, 1998 – FOCs complete
May 1, 1998 – LSR Due Date
May 4, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing begins
May 22, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing Completed
May 26, 1998 – Issue Oders to Disconnect Ported Numbers to Original SP
May 28, 1998 – Disconnect to Original SP Orders Due
May 28, 1998 – Testing Ends
? – First Office in MSA Commercial Availability
March 31, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Selected Switches NPA/NXX’s for LERG
June 30, 1998 – FCC Mandate for Commercial Availability in MSA
Toledo LNP Service Provider Test Matrix and Schedule
Toledo SP to SP Test matrix:
Sprint |
Little Miami |
Alltel |
Ameritech |
AT&T |
Nextlink |
Time Warner |
Brooks Fiber |
x |
x |
Test Schedule for the Toledo MSA :
August 24, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Test NPA/NXX’s for LERG
Present – Perform Internal (Intra-Company) Testing including NPAP/NPAC tests.
October 23, 1998 – Internal (Intra-Company) Testing Complete
October 26, 1998 – Issue test LSRs
October 27, 1998 – FOCs complete
October 30, 1998 – LSR Due Date
November 2, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing begins
November 20, 1998 – SP Inter-Company Testing Completed
November 24, 1998 – Issue Oders to Disconnect Ported Numbers to Original SP
December 2, 1998 – Disconnect to Original SP Orders Due
December 32, 1998 – Testing Ends
? – First Office in MSA Commercial Availability
September 30, 1998 – Deadline to Submit Selected Switches NPA/NXX’s for LERG
December 31, 1998 – FCC Mandate for Commercial Availability in MSA