Please be advised that the PUCO Staff is calling a face-to-face

meeting of the Ohio LNP Workshop. For the past several months the

workshop has met via conference call to deal with the issues of

testing and implementing LNP in the seven large Ohio MSAs. The

workshop has been very successful to date, due to industry


The Staff believes it is necessary to redirect the workshop to begin

looking at the up-coming BFR process that will control LNP

implementation throughout the rest of the state. We will also take

this opportunity to look at implementation issues to date and examine

problems that could be addressed going-forward.

The meeting is tentatively set for January 11, 1999, at 9:30 AM at

the Commission's office. An agenda will be distributed soon. Staff

encourages all Ohio facilities-based providers to attend and

participate in this workshop. Should you have any questions, please

contact me at 614-644-7942.

If you know anyone who should receive this notice but is not on the

distribution list, please feel free to forward the message.

Thank you and have a blessed Holiday!


Scott Potter [PUCO_POTTER@PUCVMS.A1.Ohio.Gov]