Ohio LNP Workshop Conference Calls 3/12/98
Following are the meeting minutes of the 3/12/98 Ohio LNP Workshop conference calls for the Cincinnati and Cleveland MSA field trials. Attending for the Cincinnati meeting was Bentley Jackson of CBT, O C Jackson of AT&T, and Andy Chalk of Sprint. The Cleveland call was attended by Robin Meier of Ameritech, O C Jackson, Kay Fallon of Alltel, Steve Brown of Nextlink and Andy Chalk.
1. CBT reports that they will send LSRs to MCI on March 16 per the CNCN MSA LNP schedule. They are expecting to receive an LSR from MCI on the same date. We assume that MCI is ready and will issue the LSRs per the schedule.
2. Sprint and CBT are ready to issue LSRs to Time Warner on March 23 as requested previously by Time Warner. We are assuming a March 27 due date as we have not heard any thing different from Time Warner. Both Sprint and CBT are expecting LSRs from Time Warner with the same due date. ACTION ITEM: Time Warner needs to verify whether this due date is acceptable and report back ASAP. Actual call through testing is scheduled to begin on April 6,
1998 with Time Warner.
3. Ameritech is ready in Cleveland for Nextlink and ICG to issue LSRs for ported test numbers in Cleveland. Ameritech has provided the LSR contact and test number information which is included in the attachments. Ameritech will not be porting from either ICG or Nextlink.
4. Nextlink reports that they are ready to issue LSRs to Ameritech to port numbers at Cleveland. They are on schedule to issue LSRs on March 23
5. ICG was not on the conference call. They have expressed concern that they may not be ready to test in Cleveland. ACTION ITEM: ICG needs to report when they will be ready to test in this MSA if not by March 23. Ameritech's concern is that they do not want to be involved in two separate "Industry Tests" in this area. If testing for ICG is to far outside of the established test window, then testing will likely be done on a one on one basis with Ameritech.
6. Sprint clarified their position concerning when NXX codes will be opened in their switches for porting. Sprint will open NXX codes in their switches per the LERG, but data base query charges will not be rendered to a service provider until the NXX code begins to have customers ported. GTE has confirmed that they will also open NXX codes per the LERG. ACTION ITEM for GTE: Will GTE charge for data base queries upon activation of the NXX code or only when porting begins?
7. There was discussion as to when to hold the weekly meetings. Andy and Steve will look at moving the dates to Fridays but for now the next meeting will be Thursday March 19 at 10:00 AM EST and 11:00 AM EST on the same conference bridge number 419-755-7600 no pass code.