Notice for 11/12/97 conference call (HTML)
T1S1 LNP Meeting info for Nov 17-21 (HTML)
National Billing Forum Issue List Version 1.01 10/28/97 (HTML) (MSword)
National Billing Forum Participants Updated 10/27/97 (HTML) (MSword)
Meeting Minutes 10/14 (HTML) (MSword)
Meeting Minutes 10/15 (HTML) (MSword)
Meeting Minutes 10/16 (HTML) (MSword)
Mission Statement 10/20/97 (HTML)
National Billing Forum Participants Updated 10/20/97 (HTML)
Agenda for 10/14 - 10/16 meeting in Dallas (HTML)
Minutes from 09/24/97 Conference Call (HTML) (MSword)
National Issue Delta Document (Version 1.0) (HTML) (MSword) 9/18/97
Minutes from 09/10/97 Conference Call (HTML) (MSword)
Meeting Minutes 8/26 (HTML) (MSword)
Meeting Agenda 8/26 - 8/28 (HTML) (MSword)
Minutes from 8/13/97 Conference Call (HTML) (MSword)
Minutes from 7/30/97 Conference Call (HTML) (MSword)
Attachments referred to in the above document are available at the ATIS web site on the INC page
Excel document from 7/30/97 Conference Call (HTML) (MSxls)
Minutes from 7/15/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)
Minutes from 7/2/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)
Minutes from 6/19/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)
Minutes from 6/18/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)
Minutes from 6/17/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)
Minutes from 5/22/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)
Minutes from 5/5/97 meeting (HTML) (Msword)