Minutes from National Billing Forum conference call, 7/2/97.
Attendees: MJ Anderson; Armen Basmajian; Jill Blakeley; Elaine Elliott; Debi Ferguson; Connie Melesk; Cathy Passler; Anousheh Raissyan; Tom Santos; Dave Whitney; Martha Mikesell; Raj Udeshi; Shawn Murphy, ATT INC member. Also Lori Smothers from Consolidated Comm. Lori’s tel is 217 258 9775, Fax is 217 258 7883, EMAIL is lori_smothers@consolidated.com.
Topic for today’s call was "how many LRNs".
Background for our discussion is that with NPANXX exhaust close by, we need to conserve. So, we are trying to identify why the following will or will not work:
(1) Call routing;
(2) Wire Center identification;
(3) Identification of switch owner LSPID (a poor substitute for account owner LSPID).
Please note the ICC GR says the following in section 2.2.2B ....At least 2 LRNs (NPA-NXXs) must be supported on a switch per LATA.
Your scribe apologizes for not finding this before the call so we could debate it’s meaning, but, what is the intent? It is in any of the issues 1.00 through 1.04.
Following is more or less a chronological set of notes on our discussions.
Discussion started on LRN for host and separate LRN for remote. We noted that today, where the remote does not have unique NPANXX, billing system solutions are used for access calculation. Team would like to stipulate that if the remote shares NPANXX with host, then no unique LRN. To assess implication of this, can each company identify:
1. How may remotes.
2. How many of them have unique NPANXX.
3. How many occurrences of same NPANXX serving more than one Rate Center. E-Mail your responses to TNSANTO@pacbell.com by 7/14/97. Could be that billing system solution(s) may still be needed since each discrete 6 digit LRN ties up yet another
Some folks not receiving EMAIL. So, you left outs, please verify that the EMAIL addr on the sub committee list is correct!
We noted that we want originating LRN recorded at the host recording. There is a delta item for this requirement.
The host sensor id is recorded regardless of which remote originated a call.
Where a host serves multiple rate centers, a single LRN will suffice for all. Note that this was stated in the host/remote discussion but really applies to cases where a switch, not necessarily a host as in host/remote, serves multiple rate centers. As stated previously, if a remote has it’s own NPANXX, it has it’s own LRN.
We discussed the need for 2 LRNs because of the routing choice between toll and local. We are hoping John Rollins can come up with some more meat on this need. Please note that a given SCP dip can yield only 1 LRN however.
Dave Whitney came up with a simple definition of what we think is the minimum LRN need...
DAVE’s RULE: One LRN per wire center CLLI.
Now, as long as the single LRN can get you to the proper switch in that wire center, sounds good!
From an access billing perspective, the LRN will help for the local transport element calculation. It is not relevant for other access elements.
The need for an LRN for each LATA a switch serves was made clear by the example of needing to select the appropriate tandem in delivering a call from an IXC through the RBOC to the EO switch.
We noted that the two main constraints for LRN assignment are NPANXX exhaust and what the switch vendors have built for the number of LRNs a given switch can accommodate. The NPA/NXX exhaust constraint can be mitigated by solutions already proposed by the industry such as nxx-x solution. The switch constraint will be resolved through a future generic switch upgrade.
Today’s requirements record the originating LRN for IXC access records but not for mutual comp records (if available). However If switch has CAMA recording with SS7 signaling, then at least one switch vendor will record the originating LRN.
A switch cannot identify SPID today nor can a switch give a unique LRN per line.
Some billing systems are considering using the LRN
wire center for tax calculation.
It was also stated that the LRN would be used for end user billing where the wire center id is needed for the message charge calculation.
The question ...How will the host know where to route (which remote) if only a 6 digit LRN. Well, a 10 digit terminating LRN can be signaled. But, the answer was... The host knows by looking at the actual called party number.
We thought that a 10 digit LRN could be used to differentiate the remote a line is ported to. But even if this is true, the provisioning system impact may be (too) severe.
The CAMA recording capability, as per Optional ILL GR REQ 1180 is for two modules. One for the terminating LRN and one for the originating LRN. The originating LRN may be obtained by either JIP signaling, trunk translation, or SCP dip.
End of minutes.
Next Call:
7/16/97 8-10 PDT Meet Me Line 214-741-4704 Access Code 988789
a) Prioritize call code scenarios
b) Status feedback on regional approval of the LNP Cross-Region Rating and Billing Team
Correction From 6/17-6/19 notes
The next face to face meeting will be held in St. Louis 8/26 through 8/28.
The 26th and 27th will be full days, the 28th will be a half day.