Project Name: Local Number Portability Project ID:  
Prepared By: Marie Dunn UUID: m4mdunn Phone #: 823-7580
Date Created: May 022 1997 Document Version:  
Last Updated By:   Date: May 28, 1997



Review Meeting Title: LNP National Billing Forum

Meeting Date: May 22, 1997 Next Meeting Date: June 17, 18, 19 in San Ramon

Next Meeting will be held in San Ramon. June 17, 18, 19.

Action Required

Action #


By Whom

Target Date

Actual Date

1 Add switch vendors to distribution and invitation list M. Dunn 5/28/97 5/28/97
2 Send directions to San Ramon complex to forum members M. Dunn 5/28/97  
3 All forum members to investigate if they have any special terminating arrangements which require intercompany settlements or agreements. All 6/17/97  
4 All forum members to investigate their EAS, Zone Pricing compensation arrangements between themselves and other companies. All 6/17/97  
5. All forum members to investigate any cross boundary situations in which one rate center crosses a state boundary. All 6/17  


Conducted by:Jill Blakely Attendees:See attached list of forum members. Highlighted names participated on call.
Recorded by:Marie Dunn Absentees:
  Copies to: All names on forum list.


Record significant Topics, Presenters, Decisions:


    1. EMS Services - Item #8 on Delta Doc.
    2. LRN assignment
    3. LRN use for rating purposes
    4. Item #1 on the Delta Doc. Is there a need for additional escape criteria? What will happen if carriers can’t do query? What are the implications?
    5. Item #4/9 on Delta Doc. Interim alternatives may be required since vendors may not have this functionality ready at the onset of local number portability.
    6. Use of LRN to determine tax jurisdiction.


1. EMS Services




2. LRN for Assignment purposes




3. LRN used for Rating purposes

4. Delta Item Number 1 - Need for additional escape criteria?

5. Delta Item Numbers 4 & 9 - Need to discuss interim alternatives. Vendors may not be ready.




6. LRN for Taxing Purposes







    1. San Ramon Marriott - 510-867-9200 (Directly across the street from the PB building)
    2. San Ramon Residence Inn - 510-277-9292 (Within 3 blocks of the PB building)
    3. Pleasanton Hilton - 510-463-8000 (Less than 10 miles and you would be going against commute traffic)










1. List of call participants

2. Map of Pacific Bell’s San Ramon complex with room information

3. Regional and Site Map

4. Directions to PB center in San Ramon from the San Francisco or Oakland airports.