Project Name: Local Number Portability Project ID:  
Prepared By: Marie Dunn UUID: m4mdunn Phone #: 823-7580
Date Created: May 06, 1997 Document Version:  
Last Updated By:   Date:  



Review Meeting Title: LNP National Billing Forum

Meeting Date: May 05, 1997 Next Meeting Date: May 22, 1997 11-1 PDT

Next Meeting/Conference Call to be held 5/22 from 11-1 PDT. Meet me line is 510-824-5647.

Action Required

Action #


By Whom

Target Date

Actual Date

1 Copy of Ca R&B Task Force Delta Document to be faxed to all call participants M. Dunn 5/7/97  
2 Copy of FDAF’s to be faxed to all call participants M. Dunn 5/7/97  
3 Copy of "Issues with Non LNP Access Tandems" 3/26 document from John Rollins to be faxed to all call participants after receipt from Jill. M. Dunn 5/7/97  
4 Call to Bill Krall - Bellcore SPID work proposal available to all?

See Comments from Bill Krall below.

T. Santos 5/8/97 5/6/97


Conducted by:Tom Santos Attendees:See attached list of forum members. Highlighted names participated on call.
Recorded by:Marie Dunn Absentees:
  Copies to: All names on forum list.


Record significant Topics, Presenters, Decisions:




    1. Service provider id (SPID) - Module 338


    1. Host/Remote network configuration
    1. Portability outside the rate center (PORC)
    1. Database queries, and resulting compensation issues
    1. AMA Module 719 (Bellcore) vs AMA Module 720 (ICC)


    1. Incompatibility of network requirements with AIN services
    1. Operator services/LIDB
    1. Local calling scope
    1. Area of Portability/Wire center portability within the rate center


    1. LSMS and billing
    1. Impact of LNP on Resale and Unbundling


1. Service provider id (SPID) - Module 338 H
2. Host/Remote network configuration H
3. Portability outside the rate center (PORC)
4. Database queries, and resulting compensation issues M
5. AMA Module 719(Bellcore) vs AMA Module 720 (ICC) L
6. Incompatibility of network requirements with AIN services M
7. Operator services/LIDB H
8. Local calling scope M
9. Area of Portability/Wire center portability within the rate center H
10. LSMS and billing M
11. Impact of LNP on Resale and Unbundling H





















1. California Rating and Billing Subcommittee Delta Document

2. FDAF’s

3. Issues with Non LNP Access Tandems