Topic - ATIS.

ATIS was asked to take over the LNP requirements documents and it looks like they did. The T1 home page has much information between T1 and ATIS. Scott, BA, mentioned that he did not see any reference to our issues. The only ref was a letter from L. Young, Ameritech, to the T1 officers dated 9/15.

My notes say.., will meet in OCT and talk over the scope of work; but I don't know whether that was us or ATIS or T1. T1 is seeking contributions for the Oct meeting. USW will mention billing in their contribution. The meeting is open to the industry and will be in Long Branch, NJ. Call John Manning, Director of Industry Forum, ATIS. Date is 10/9, 10/10. PM of the 9th and AM of the 10th, we think. The home page is www.t1.org/lnp/t1agmtg/htm.

Dave will check with Mr. Edwards as to the status of our letter.

Another pitch for contributions from us since they have no particular sensitivity to billing issues.

Topic - Dallas meeting.

The meeting is in Dallas on 10/14, 15, 16. John Rollins, GTE, is the host. Please refer to previous mailgrams for details. Now we discussed what ought to be on the agenda. Cindy suggested that we take our current issues and try to bring them to resolution rather then leaving them open. This is a great idea. But, there are those issues that are out of our direct control; for example those that need signaling changes in order to become non issues.

We will try to get someone to present the wireless LNP perspective at our meeting.

Anne Steiner will give us an overview of the OBF message processing proceedings.

Again, since we will endeavor to close issues, we will go over the issues document. Again.

Items 49 and 57 from the Western Region team will be examined is some detail. We hope John will take us through them.

Issue prioritization for the vendors has been requested. We will find a way to do this which is agreeable to both the vendor and company requesting a given change.

Dave will check with Bill Krall, Bellcore, to see whether Bill can give the team an overview of the latest thinking on LSPI.

800 internal call routing - remote database.

There was some discussion on this topic at the August meeting and the subject was added to our issues list for future resolution. Elizabeth suggested that we ought to get some SMEs on the subject to join in lest we go down the wrong path.

Tandem routing.

It was stated that tandem routing tables may cause blocking of ported numbers because of incorrect NPANXX. Particularly if have multiple tandems in an MSA. Not sure what that means. Karen thinks the issue was addressed in Ameritech. Bell South thinks it will work ok if translating on the LRN.

The scribe thinks this topic needs to be straightened out in Dallas.

Please forward any topics you would like addressed in Dallas to Dave or Debi.