Karen Albers Ameritec
Elaine Elliott Bell Atlantic
Allen Friedman Bellcore
Dave Whitney BellSouth
Jim Pritchett BellSouth
Ron Donnell AGCS
Mike Fohl Cincinnati Bell
Steve Shepard GTE
Pat Witte South Western Bell
Arnette Schultz Lucent
Debi Ferguson Pacific Bell
Elizabeth Keddy NORTEL
Celynn Vandeventer Western Region Sprint
Raj Udeshi Siemens
Armen Basmajian AT&T
Number Pooling
Host/Remote LRN Assignment
Poll of regional steering committees’ approval
CNA trunk options issues
Document Distribution:
Debi reported that she has made arrangements with Barry Bishop to include our minutes and documentation on the WEB page (
Number Pooling:
It was determined that this would be a good topic for the face-to-face meeting in St. Louis. Everyone should determine their company’s position on the current recommendation and come prepared to discuss number pooling issues related to LNP Billing at St. Louis.
There was a brief discussion of new requirements proposals including the work being done on SPID. The recommended term is changing to LSPI (Local Service Provider ID). There was some concern as to whether LSPI is an LNP need. Members should be prepared to discuss their company’s need for this data field in providing LNP at the St Louis meeting.
Poll of regional steering committees’ approval
Efforts to gain approval are continuing. Members present provided updates and these were added (new Favorables are indicated by bold type):
BellSouth (South East) Favorable
MCI Under consideration
PAC Bell Favorable
SBC Favorable
SW Favorable
Midwest Under consideration
NYNEX (North East) Under consideration
Bell Atlantic (E. coast) Under consideration
AT&T Favorable
North West Favorable
LNP Requirements Ongoing:
The group discussed the need to move from the current use of the Illinois GR and the PACTEL Delta documents to requirements documents that are representative of the national community. Not necessarily because there are problems with the existing documents, but that this requirement work needs to be administered on a national basis. The major issues raised were related to who would create and maintain the new document and take on the associated administration of the LNP requirements development process. Dave Whitney will request a Bellcore presentation for St Louis. This presentation should include information about the work being done on GR2936 and how this could possibly tie in to a national version of the previously referenced documents.
Debi volunteered to update the existing Delta Docuement and get it posted to
LRN Impact Of Host/Remote Architecture:
Based on input received thus far on this issue, it appears that the problem is not as pervasive as initially thought. Unless new drivers arise, the current recommendation is to handle those situations where an NPA-NXX is split between H/R or R/R by using 10 digit look up in the rating/accounting process.
Discussion of this issue led to discussion of the need to insure 10D LRN implementation. While 10D LRN is not essential to SPNP (service provider number portability) it will be necessary for location portability expansion. Some feel that this issue should really be two issues 1) when the LRN is determined from switch data; 2) When the JIP is signaled forward it needs to be 10D. Debi will add to Delta Document and lead a discussion on the new issues at St Louis.
CNA trunk options issues:
There was additional discussion of this issue and the recommended solutions. It was determined that there is a new proposal being drafted by Bellcore, and the group asked that the St Louis presentation by Bellcore be expanded to include discussion of the options for solution of this issue.
A question was raised as to the potential impact on LNP billing of the EMR/EMI modules 17A and 18A. This will be a topic of discussion at St Louis.
Southwestern Bell also defined a new issue related to the interaction of LNP and 800 services. When the 800 service is using originating point as the routing determinate, a call from a ported-in number could cause misrouted calls. In addition, the 800 customer may want calls to route based on service provider. Current technology does not support this capability. The need for development of these feature enhancements will be discussed at St Louis.
Discussion of two other issues (pre-query screening and hunt group porting) was initiated by Southwestern Bell. These issues are covered by existing requirements. When adding numbers to a ported hunt group, the new members will also show as ported. There is not any clean means of correcting this with switch translations.
When dealing with toll restriction and pre/post query screening, different results will be obtained based on switch type and translations. Technical support for the individual switch technologies should provide answers to specific situations.
The next meeting will be at St Louis, MO, August 26, 27, and 28, 1997. The meeting should start at 8:30 AM on the 26th and end by 2 PM on the 28th. Attached is a tentative agenda for this meeting. If you have additional items, please contact either Debi Ferguson (510-867-6353) or David Whitney at (205-321-3703)
ST. Louis, MO.
AUGUST 26 - 28, 1997
Reveiw Agenda
Review 8/13/97 Conference call
Number Pooling (LNP Billing Impact)
How to Transition From ICC Requirements
to National Requirements (fold in Delta
CNA - Proposed Solutions
Impact of Porting on 800 Service
Originating Point Routing
How Will EMR/EMI Modules 17A/18A
be used for Phase 1 of LNP
Need for LSPI (Local Service Provider
ID)/SPID Relative to LNP Billing
Testing Issues
New Deltas
Old Dletas