Indiana Local Number Portability Task Force
Meeting Minutes of March 31, 1999
Cause No 41083
The Indiana LNP Task Force met for the second time on March 31, 1999 at
10:00 a.m. in Conference Room TC10 of the Indiana Government Center South,
Indianapolis, Indiana. Charlotte TerKeurst, Consultant for IURC, and Co-
Chairs Denise Hardaway, Ameritech; and Matt Locke, Time Warner facilitated
the meeting.
Attendees--See attached.
The March 9th draft meeting minutes where reviewed and approved as written.
Time Warner Complaint Issues:
The issues from the Time Warner complaint where discussed. Denise Hardaway
provided written documentation that showed that the issues raised in Time
Warner?s LNP complaint against Ameritech had been resolved and withdrawn.
MCI had sent a written notice to Charlotte TerKeurst agreeing that Time
Warner?s LNP issues where no longer appropriate in this case. AT&T/TCG
will report back at our next meeting on 4/19 if they also feel these issues
are no longer appropriate in this case. GTE, Sprint, and Smithville are
not currently porting numbers and therefore not applicable.
The LNP 10-Digit Trigger Deployment Status (Issue closed out)
All TC?s agreed to target deployment by mid-year 2000.
?AmeritechTarget deployment by mid-year 2000
?AT&T Deployed
?GTE Deployed by mid-year 2000
?MCI Currently in process of deploying
?SmithvilleWill deploy by mid-year 2000 if porting TN?s by then
?Time Warner Deployed
All other LNP Operating Support Systems (OSS) issues will be addressed in the Generic Investigation of Incumbent
Local Exchange Carrier?s Provision of OSS, Cause No. 41324.
First Port Notifier:
Several options for 1st Port Notification was discussed. Denise Hardaway
stated that Lockheed Martin would be willing to provide under a contractual
arrangement 1st Port Notifier information to any Carrier upon request.
Matt Locke stated that 1st Port information was also available through
Bellcore. Matt also stated that the information was available on the NPAC
secured website. Carriers wishing 1st Port Notification was urged to
contact Bellcore or Lockheed Martin CIS Division (Larry Vagnoni, David
Heath, Barry Bishop ,or Joe Ferrallo).
Billing Issues:
N-1 Carrier Responsibility- The task force asked Ben Jayne from Ameritech
to provide the FCC cite that addresses N-1 Carrier responsibility prior to
the next meeting so that the taskforce members could have an opportunity to
validate the N-1 Carrier responsibility. The cites as proved by Ben
Jayne are:
1. FCC 3rd Report and Order, FCC 98-82, released 5/12/98, paragraph 15 and
16, footnotes 58,60, and 61, reference NANC Plan for Number Portability,
Attachment A and Appendix D. Website: Click on link
?LNPA Working Group?. Click on link ?documents?. Page down to ?Final
Report and Recommendation 4/25/97
2. IURC Commission Order approved June 19, 1998. IURC in the matter of the
investigation of the commissions own motion to the implementation of
number portability, pursuant to section 251(B)(2) of the Communication
Act of 1934, as amended. Page 8, Section 2(f). Cause No. 41083
The task force continued discussion of the five billing items identified in
the March 9 meeting minutes:
Items 1 and 2 - The task force agreed that the EAS issues identified could
potential be addressed in one of three active IURC dockets, and therefore
not appropriate to discuss in this LNP taskforce. The three active EAS
dockets are: Cause Numbers 40895 Smithville complaint against AIT, Cause
No. 41242 Commission established general EAS docket, and Cause No. 39983 a
Local Competition Docket.
Items 3 and 5- A non-Ameritech LEC originates an intraLATA call routed to
an Ameritech ported TN, and the call terminates to a non-Ameritech LEC
ITAC is based on NPA-NXX for compensation purposes. This could cause some
carriers to compensate carrier with NPA/NXX instead of actual carrier with
a ported TN. It was determined that CLEC?s and ILEC have a mutual need to
establish agreements for compensating each other for completing calls to
each others network.
We also discussed the issue of which trunk group local or toll would we
route a call from a CLEC to an ILEC. We concluded that this is an industry
issue that has been referred to T1S1-6 industry body.
Item 4 - IntraLATA calls transmitted by competitive IXC. We concluded that
this is a meet point billing issue and that the OBF is already addressing
the issue. (OBF Issue No. 1764).
New Issues:
Porting Outside Rate Center - Bruce Hazelett from Ameritech reminded
Carriers that Porting outside a rate center was a violation of Commission
Order (IURC Order, approved 19, 1998, Section 2(e), page 6-8). The
taskforce agreed that any Carrier that felt another Carrier was in
violation of the Commission Order should file a complaint with the
Transport and Switching Charges on default routed calls in Cause No. 41083,
page 3, section D, paragraph 6 was identified as an agenda item for the
April 19 Taskforce Meeting.
Next Meeting:
The next Indiana Taskforce Meeting will be held on April 19 at the Indiana
Government Center South, Indianapolis, Indiana, at 9am in conference room
Respectively Submitted,
Denise Hardaway
Co-Chair IURC LNP Taskforce
Indiana LNP Task Force
March 31, 1999 Meeting
Phone Fax E-mail
Charlotte TerKeurst Competitive Strategies Group 312 236-0406 312 236-
Matt Locke (by phone) Time Warner 303 566-5923 303 566-1600
Bob Veneck AT&T 317 633-5985 317 633-5972 BVENECK@ATT.
Alan Matsumoto Sprint 317 636-6026 317 636-4017
Bruce Hazelett Ameritech 317 265-2184 317 265-8585
Denise Hardaway Ameritech 248 424-0276 248 424-1073
Ben Jayne Ameritech 312 335-6710 312 335-2925 Ben.D.Jayne@
Tammy Teague Smithville Telephone 812 876-0969 812 876-9267
Dwane Glancy Smithville Telephone 812 876-2477 812 876-9267
Hal Rees OUCC 317 232-2237 317 232-5923 HREES@UCCLAN.IN.US
Karol Krohn OUCC 317 233-3235 317 232-5923 Kkrohn@UCCLA
Bill Munsell GTE 972 718-8941 Williammunsel@GTE.telops
Kathy Adams GTE 219 461-2889 219 461-3535
Mike Guffey IURC 317 232-4708 317-233-1981 mguffey@URC.STATE.