The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio hosted the third Ohio Local 
      Number Portability Workshop on November 13, 1996
      The meeting was presided over by Chair, Terry Appenzeller and Staff 
      member Scott Potter.
      Mr. Potter informed the workshop that the Commission had been 
      apprised of the current progress and status of the workshop.  He 
      noted that the Commission, had not to this date voiced any major 
      concerns.  However, he did note that there was some discussion of the 
      workshop decision basing the LNP conversion plan on switch location 
      as opposed to subscriber location.
      Mr. Appenzeller briefed the workshop on the recent meetings of the 
      NANC and the LNP working group of the NANC.  The NANC LNP working 
      group is to be co-Chaired by Mr. Appenzeller and Woody Kerkeslager of 
      AT&T.  Updates on the NANC and its working groups can be found on the 
      FCC Web page at "" under the Common Carrier Bureau 
      section.  This page will also contain a link to the ICC workshop web 
      page ("").
      Additionally, Mr. Appenzeller gave the workshop his best guess as to 
      when the FCC would rule on the reconsideration requests and how those 
      rulings might look.
      LNP Pick Lists
      Mr. Potter distributed the Master "Pick From" lists to the new 
      entrants present at the workshop.  There was discussion of how the 
      selection process would proceed and how Staff would merge each new 
      entrants selection into a prioritized implementation list.  The 
      following was agreed upon:
      	1. All facilities-based new entrants who have a need for number 
           portability within Phase 1 of the Ohio workshop process, must 
           have their "Pick From" list returned to Mr. Potter no later than 
           January 6, 1996.  This is the absolute deadline for inclusion in 
           the Phase 1 conversion.
      	2. It is expected that all new entrants making switch selections 
           will make an honest good faith appraisal of their short-term LNP 
           needs, and not request switch conversions on a scale beyond 
           their best guess of short-term facilities-based service 
           offering.  In the event that Staff 
           finds one or more new entrants have made widespread switch 
           selections that appear to be beyond our understanding of the new 
           entrant's short-term service plans, this issue will have to be 
           addressed further.  Mr. Potter suggested that in this event, the 
           Commission would likely become involved and Staff would probably 
           recommend that new entrants be required to submit substantial 
           documentation to support their LNP requests.  Mr. Potter noted 
           that if it is necessary to go to this step, LNP availability 
           would likely be delayed for all new entrants. 
      	3. Pick lists can be submitted in either hard copy or digital 
           format. Both hard copy forms and disk forms were distributed by 
           Mr. Potter.  Staff will only accept Pick Lists on the 
           standardized forms.  Mr. Potter requested that if a new entrant 
           has more than a few switch picks, that they try to submit their 
           Pick List in digital format.
      	4. New entrants should simply indicate the switches they need 
           converted without any prioritization.  Staff will developed a 
           prioritized list based on the number of requests for each 
           switch.  Staff will also take note of any new entrants who have 
           relatively few switch requests and whether those switch requests 
           represent unique requests.  In these cases, Staff will give 
           additional weight to these requests to prevent all new entrants 
           entering the market on a very limited basis who might be the 
           only new entrant in an area from falling to the bottom of the 
           prioritized schedule.
      	5. It was clarified that the Ohio workshop Phase 1 and Phase 2 are 
           not to be confused with the FCC's schedule for the top 100 MSAs.  
           Phase 1 is the opportunity for new entrants to request, upfront, 
           the initial set of switches which will be converted to LNP.  
           Phase 2 which may follow directly on the heels of Phase 1, is 
           for carriers to make individual requests to specific LECs for 
           LNP.  Requests made during Phase 2 will be met according to a 
           timeframe based on the technical status of the network and 
           switch requested.  This Phase 2 timeframe has not been finally 
           agreed to at this time. 
      Regional LLC and Operations Committee
      Mr. Appenzeller also updated the workshop on the progress of the 
      development of a regional LLC.  The next regional LLC meeting is Nov. 
      22 in Detroit.  This is a meeting for business strategy persons of 
      any carrier that might be considering joining/or has an interest in 
      the development of the regional LLC.  Mr. Appenzeller noted that 
      there is already a tentative agreement as to the cost allocation to 
      the member companies.
      Barry Bishop, Chair of the ICC workshop Operations Committee, updated 
      the Ohio workshop on the effort to build a regional Operations 
      committee.  Mr. Bishop and Mr. Appenzeller stressed that it is 
      imperative for all interested parties to immediately begin attending 
      the regional meetings if they wish their organization to have a voice 
      in the development of the regional LNP system that all will be 
      subjected to in the near future.  If anyone wishes to get more 
      information on the regional Operations committee, please contact Mr. 
      Bishop at ""
      The Ohio Workshop is a Commission order process that was meant to be 
      the forum in which the implementation issues of Ohio LNP would be 
      decided.  The Ohio workshop has decided to participate in the 
      developing regional system.  Any carrier with an interest in having a 
      voice in the development of the system they will be expected to 
      operate under should immediately get involved in these regional 
      meetings (especially the LLC and Operations committee meetings).  It 
      is likely that the Ohio workshop will conclude after the January 
      Next Meeting
      The next meeting is scheduled for January 9th, 1997 at 10:30AM in the 
      PUCO offices.