Indiana Number Portability Task Force

Cause No. 39983

July 11, 1996 Meeting Notes

I. Introduction

The first meeting of the Indiana number portability task force was held from 9:30 am to 2:30 p.m. in Room E306 on July 11, 1996. Stan Saltier and Mike Guffey from the IURC Staff provided the agenda and the opening statements (Attachment A) which consisted of a reference to the number portability requirements in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TA 96) in SEC 251(b)(2) and the Commission Order in Cause No. 39983 dated July 1, 1996 (Attachment B).

We reviewed our mission statement and revised it as follows:

The task force shall have the limited authority to meet how and when it chooses with a final report and recommendation to be presented to the Commission on technological issues related to long term number portability and the associated cost of each technology on or before November 8, 1996.

Per the Commission order, cost recovery and allocation issues will not be addressed in this task force

    II. Meeting Attendees

A list of the meeting attendees is included as Attachment C.

    Review of the FCC's Number Portability Order (CC Docket 95-116)

issued on July 2, 1996 l

Terry Appenzeller, the Ameritech VP-Open Market Strategy, provided a brief overview of the FCC's recent order on number portability This presentation included the:

1. Architecture Selection Criteria

2. Deployment Schedule

3. Carriers Mandated to implement

4. Neutral Third Party Database Administration

5 National Field Trial

6. Tie-In to Competitive Checklist

7. Guidelines For interim Number Portability Pricing

8. Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking-Long-Term Number Portability

Mr. Appenzeller pointed out that LRN is the architecture of choice by the industry and many states. It meets the minimum performance criteria (including the efficient use of numbers, no unreasonable degradation in service, quality, or network reliability, and does not require end users to change telephone numbers). Deployment in the top 100 US MSAs will begin in 4Q97 with completion by the end of 1998. After that time each LEC must make long-term number portability available in smaller MSAs within SIX months after a specific request. The order requires incumbent LECs as well as new entrants to comply (rural telephone companies can apply for an exemption (per SEC 251(f) of TA 96). Wireless providers must comply by June 30, 1999. A neutral third party database administrator must be selected and Illinois will conduct a field trial to conclude no later than August 31 1997. Comments for the further notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) are due August 16, with replies due September 16, 1996.

A complete copy of the presentation is included as Attachment D

    IV. Review of the Illinois Number Portability Workshop Process

Mr. Appenzeller gave us an overview of the Illinois number portability workshop process. The ICC workshop was formed in April, 1995 as a result of an order on the Customers First Plan. It consists of two phases: (1) develop, evaluate, and recommend a wireline service provider number portability solution and propose an implementation plan and (2) to explore the desirability and feasibility of expanding to wireless networks, location portability, service portability, and other enhancements. Up to this point the workshop has concentrated on Phase 1 and service provider portability (the ability to change providers without changing telephone numbers). A joint letter which was signed by eight companies was sent to the FCC in May, 1996 encouraging the FCC to adopt the Illinois workshop findings and conclusions which includes the selection of LRN and the recommendation for the FCC to adopt a single national architecture. Mr. Appenzeller reviewed the long term number portability selection criteria and the call flows for both interim and long term number portability. The Illinois workshop structure, timelines, and future plans were reviewed. Illinois participants have looked at cost recovery issues, with no conclusion at this time.

    V. Indiana Decisions/Implementation Plans
    A. The participants at this meeting were asked if they had any objection to using the Illinois LRN model, including the subcommittee's input. (This meant that Indiana would not need to duplicate the Illinois workshop efforts.) No objections were received, therefore we moved directly to the implementation plan.

    B. The implementation Plan will consist of the following:

1. For the top 100 MSAs, the Indiana long term number workshop participants will identify what offices within the MSAs they want long term number portability.

    2. For smaller areas, the BFR (Bona Fide Request) process will be used following FCC guidelines.
    VI. Action items and Next Meeting

Action item 1: All participants should review the presentation material and confirm the adoption of the Illinois workshop conclusions (LRN and subcommittee input).

Action item 2: Ameritech, GTE, and United will get their MSA information to Stan Sallier to be mailed prior to the next meeting.

The next meeting will be Friday August 16.1996 from 9:30-12:00 in Room E306 at the Commission's office in Indianapolis. It has been recommended that business casual attire is appropriate for these meetings.

Meeting participants agreed that note taking responsibility will be rotated among participating companies. Notes for this meeting were prepared by Ameritech.