Note: The following document has been scanned from a fax and is a reproduction of the original minutes. The formatting has been changed from the original document, and may contain errors.


CAUSE NO. 39983

August 16, 1996 Meeting Notes

I. Introduction

The second meeting of the Indiana number portability task force was held on August 16, 1996 at 9 30 a m. in Room E306 at the Commission's office in Indianapolis. Judy Evans from AT&T and Terry Appenzeller from Ameritech have volunteered to co-chair the task force

II. Meeting Attendee's

A list of the meeting attendees is attached.

III. Follow Up from Last Meeting

    1. Reviewed the list of offices submitted by Ameritech, GTE and Sprint It was agreed that the lists should also include the following items:


Exchange English Name



2. Discussed the need to include exchanges served by the smaller independent companies. John Kopin, Duane Glancy and Charlie Coon to contact the smaller independents to identify and prepare a list of the exchanges which are within the top 100 MSA's. Every incumbent with a switch within the top 100 MSA'S should be involved in the preparation of a deployment plan to ensure everyone' needs are met.

    3. It was agreed that all exchanges where the switch is physically within the counties identified by the MSA boundaries would be included on the list.
    4. The Commission staff has attempted to notify all new entrants of the creation of this task force The group recognizes that not everyone is involved and that this plan will not nor is it meant to solve all issues. Incumbent companies will have to deal with specific individualized requests.

IV. New issues

1. Participants recognize that Cellular companies can't meet the FCC at this time. They are currently working with vendors to see what can be done

    2. The group discussed the deployment plan and established the following schedule:

A. All incumbents are to submit lists identifying exchanges in the top 100 MSA's to Stan Salliers, Principal Telecommunications Specialist, at the IURC by August 23rd

    B. Stan will distribute these lists to the new entrants who are to identify and prioritize, by MSA, exchanges they want to enter. These lists are to be sent to Brad Behounek (312-301-2723), an independent consultant by September 26th.

C. Brad is to complete a master deployment list based on the priority lists from the new entrants This list is to be mailed to Ameritech, Sprint, GTE and any independent on the list by September 30th.

    D. Incumbents are to indicate at the September 7th meeting what offices from the master list and the schedule for providing number portability. Number portability will be provided in all other exchanges within the Top 100 MSA's based upon bonafide requests. Offices upgraded based upon bonafide requests will have a different implementation schedule.

E. Incumbents are also to identify the costs associated with implementing number portability in the identified exchanges.

3. The FCC has yet to agree to this type of deployment plan, but the Illinois Committee has filed such a request in the Form of a letter signed by all parties to the FCC.

4. The group then discussed the need for a central data base administration Terry Appenzeller reviewed the data base administration process being provided by Lockheed- Martin m Illinois He indicated Lockheed built their process to anticipate use by Michigan Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. There will be a charge for the initial setup and then a charge for each upload and download.

5. A legal entity consisting of a subset of the Indiana participants must be established to sign an agreement with Lockheed-Martin The Illinois Committee hired an independent corporate lawyer to prepare such a contract.

V Further Action

l. The task force needs to establish a State Limited Liability Corporation for Indiana. Attorneys from AT&T and Ameritech will come to a future meeting to explain these requirements

2. Lockheed-Martin should participate in a future meeting to discuss their services and functions

3. Members from the various Illinois subcommittees should be invited to the November meeting to discuss the issues being discussed and/or the status of working being done within their committee.

VI Next Meeting


The next meeting has been scheduled for October 7, 1996 at 9 30 a.m. in the Commission's Law Library.