Ad Hoc 911/law Team

  NENA Company ID Registration Service Right this way

Geographic Portability and 9-1-1 Issue paper for Midwest Region LNP steering committee Submitted by Illinois chapter of NENA 7/22/99 (HTML) (MSword)

Geographic Portability Issue paper for Midwest Region LNP Steering committee 7/22/99 (PPT) Submitted by Lockheed Martin

Indiana LNP 911 sub-docket (HTML) (MSword)

Canadian IVR Presentation 10/19/98

Law Enforcement meeting Agenda 9/10/98 (HTML) (MSword)

Law Enforcement meeting notification 9/10/98

APCO International Conference Lockheed presentation 8/13/98 (Powerpoint file 4.0)

APCO International Conference SCC presentation (B) 8/13/98 (Powerpoint file 4.0)

APCO International Conference SCC presentation (C) 8/13/98 (Powerpoint file 4.0)

98 NENA Conference SCC presentation (Powerpoint file 4.0)

Illinois Commerce Commission Staff meeting notice to Law Enforcement Agencies 12/4/97

LNP Presentation to INENA Conference 10/29/97 (Powerpoint 4.0 zipped)

NENA Letter to FCC 10/15/97 (HTML) (MSword)

Updated 911 Tests for Trial Test Plan (

Final "NENA Recommended Standards For Service Provider Local Number Portability" 6/24/97 (msword(nenastd.rtf)) (HTML)

Minutes of LNP 911 meeting 5/7/97 (HTML)

Minutes of LNP 911 meeting 4/7/97 (HTML)

Minutes of LNP 911 meeting 3/18/97 (HTML)

Minutes of LNP 911 meeting 2/10/97 (HTML)

Minutes of LNP 911 meeting 1/29/97 (HTML)